
CLI tool for rendering templates that supports environment variables, variable files, and inline encryption

Primary LanguageGo

gotmpl Build Status

CLI tool for rendering templates that supports environment variables, variable files, and inline encryption


Download a pre-built binary from the releases (see Releases):

wget https://github.com/nextrevision/gotmpl/releases/download/0.1.1/gotmpl_darwin_amd64
chmod +x gotmpl_darwin_amd64

Or install with go:

go get -u github.com/nextrevision/gotmpl


gotmpl is a template tool that supports encrypted data

  gotmpl [flags]
  gotmpl [command]

Available Commands:
  decrypt     decrypts vars or files
  encrypt     takes a plain text value and encrypts it
  genpasswd   generates a compliant 32 character password
  help        Help about any command
  render      renders a template file

  -h, --help   help for gotmpl

Use "gotmpl [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Encrypt the string "mysecret" to stdout using password "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345":

$ gotmpl encrypt -p password -v mysecret

Encrypt the string "mysecret" to stdout to be added to a YAML file with key "mykey":

$ gotmpl encrypt -p password -v mysecret -k mykey

Encrypting and inserting the result key into a file:

$ gotmpl encrypt -p password -v mysecret -k mykey -y examples/vars.yml
Variable mykey inserted into examples/vars.yml


Decrypting a single value to STDOUT:

$ gotmpl decrypt -p password -v OWUxYTE5OTZkZjViMjBkMjkxNWQxZTJjOmM0NzY3YjQyYjY3NmRiZmY4ZTllODU5ZThiYzk5ZWQ2OTUyMmU4ZGZmMjRhNWI5Mg==

Decrypting a vars file containing encrypted values:

$ gotmpl decrypt -p password -y examples/vars.yml
File decrypted to examples/vars.yml.unenc


Render a template to STDOUT sourcing vars from the environment:

$ gotmpl render -t examples/template.env.tmpl
# Static Key
Static value
# Env Var

Render a template to STDOUT sourcing vars from the environment and a vars file w/ encrytped values:

$ gotmpl render -t examples/template.tmpl -y examples/vars.yml -p password
# Static Key
Static value
# Key1
# Encrypted Key
# Inline Encryped Key
# Env Var

Render a template to a specific file:

$ gotmpl render -t examples/template.env.tmpl -o examples/template.env


Generating a new 32 character password:

$ gotmpl genpasswd

Vars Files

Vars files contain key/value pairs of variables used when rendering templates. These files can be in YAML or env (key=value) format. There is no support for nested keys, the files must be in a flat hierarchy.

Values can be encrypted (see "Encrypting Values" section), but must be prefixed with ENC| in order to be decrypted by gotmpl.

Encrypting Values

In vars files (YAML or env)

When working with encrypted values, anything that is used in a vars file (YAML or ENV) must be prefixed with ENC|. This distinction lets gotmpl know when processing a vars file to decrypt that value. For example:

key1: value1

In templates

You can supply an encrypted value inline in a template by prefixing with the encrypted string with ENC. For example, if I wanted to specify an encrypted value inline in a template:

# Plain text key sourced from environment or vars file
{{ .key1 }}

# Encrypted key in a vars file or environment
# This will be decrypted before the template is rendered
{{ .encKey1 }}

# Inline encrypted key
# This will be decrypted at the time of the template render

As an environment variable

You can supply an encrypted key in an environment variable so long as it is prefixed with ENC|, same as in the vars files. For example:

# plaintext key
export key1=value1

# encrypted key


Pull requests and issues are more than welcome. Clone this repo, then download dependencies:

go get -u github.com/kardianos/govendor
govendor sync

To run tests:

govendor test -v +l