
hybrid SQL + LDAP backend for openstack keystone

Primary LanguagePython

hybrid SQL and LDAP backends for OpenStack Keystone

This project provides two alternative backends for Keystone:

The Identity Backend

This allows authentication with LDAP and SQL while using the SQL backend for all the usual operations. No users or groups are copied from LDAP. LDAP users are assigned a default role and tenant when they first login if they don't already have one (user_project_metadata table). For granting roles to users (keystone user-role-add), only the user id from LDAP is inserted into the SQL backend.

The code in this branch has only been tested on the stable/havana branch of OpenStack Keystone! Check out the other git branches if you need code for different OpenStack releases.


Since this backend relies on both the LDAP and SQL backends, you have to configure both beforehand. Use the usual configuration options found in /etc/keystone/keystone.conf. However, from the LDAP backend's config, only the ldap.user* options will be used by the hybrid backend (so no tenant/role options).

You should try to see that user authentication works fine with the LDAP backend before trying on the hybrid backend. Also make sure that keystone user-list works using the LDAP identity backend.

Copy the hybrid_identity.py file to the keystone/identity/backends/ folder of your installation (e.g. /usr/lib/python/site-packages/keystone/identity/backends/hybrid_identity.py).

Set the identity backend to hybrid (it will use both the LDAP and the SQL backends under the hood):

driver = keystone.identity.backends.hybrid_identity.Identity

Restart keystone.

Now you can assign custom roles to users in LDAP. Make user you use one of the LDAP user-ids returned by the keystone user-list query.

keystone user-role-add --user-id=12345 --role-id <role-id> --tenant-id <tenant-id>

The Assignment Backend

This allows setting a default role and project for users signing in via LDAP. It adds the new user-project-role association to the database (basically doing keystone user-role-add), the first time that an LDAP user successfully authenticates. This should be useful when you have a lot of LDAP users which you want to grant a default role to in OpenStack automatically only if/when they decide to use it. Caveat: this won't delete the user-role-project association from the database when users are deleted from LDAP. In fact it won't ever delete anything.

It uses the SQL assignment backend under the hood by default.


Edit the hybrid_assignment.py file in this project and set the DEFAULT_PROJECT, DEFAULT_ROLE and DEFAULT_DOMAIN constants at the top of the file. These should already exist in the database!

Then copy the edited hybrid_assignment.py file to the keystone/identity/backends/ folder of your installation (e.g. /usr/lib/python/site-packages/keystone/assignment/backends/hybrid_assignment.py).

Set this in your keystone.conf file:

driver = keystone.assignment.backends.hybrid_assignment.Assignment

Restart keystone.