
Final project for WDI

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The final project created as a capstone for the cohort. THis is a full-stack application with Angular.js for the front end, MongoDB for the backend, and self-created APIs for the users and . Developed over the course of a week, P4 aims to encapsulate the main ideas of the cohort: full RESTful routing on the APIs, full CRUD functionality (without the ability to edit data because in practice, data should be generated), and semantic HTML and CSS.


###Technologies Used

We created this project using Angular.js, Node.js to connect the front end to the back end, D3 to visualize the data, and Mongo for the database.


Installation instructions for any dependencies

###User stories

"I want to be able to know that my millions of plants are getting enough water as someone passionate about farming" - Auggie B.

"As someone new to gardening, I want to be able to know quickly whether or not my plants are okay to go man" - Allan Mac

"I keep trying to start indoor gardens, but all my plants keep dying!" - Sebastian

"As a business man, I want to be able to visualize my data more readily so that I can spend the extra time with the people that I love and doing things that I enjoy" - Ryan

"As someone who loves testing out new technologies, I want to see if I can harness data and the web to improve my gardening."

"As a teacher, I want to see my students produce something beautiful with the knowledge that I have instilled in them because why not” - Brian Hague

Wireframes – sketches of major views / interfaces in your application ?? Link to your pitch deck – documentation of your wireframes, user stories, and proposed architecture

Unsolved problems / major hurdles

An embedded screenshot of the app Explanations of the technologies used A couple paragraphs about the general approach you took Installation instructions for any dependencies

Link to your wireframes – sketches of major views / interfaces in your application Link to your pitch deck – documentation of your wireframes, user stories, and proposed architecture Descriptions of any unsolved problems or major hurdles you had to overcome