Warning: Project under development, please do not use in a production environment.
A pure and powerful JavaScript Decred library.
Decred is a powerful new peer-to-peer platform for the next generation of financial technology. The decentralized nature of the Decred network allows for highly resilient decred infrastructure, and the developer community needs reliable, open-source tools to implement decred apps and services.
For nodejs:
npm install decredjs-lib
For browser please download decredjs-lib.min.js and see the demo
- Generate a random address
- Generate a address from a SHA256 hash
- Import an address via WIF
- Create a Transaction
- Create an OP RETURN transaction
- Create a 2-of-3 multisig P2SH address
- Spend from a 2-of-2 multisig P2SH address
- Generate a random mnemonic
- Create a BIP44, decred, account 0, external address from a random mnemonic
- Export xPrivKey/xPubKey from mnemonic
- Generate address by HDPrivateKey/HDPublicKey derive
git clone https://github.com/decredjs/decredjs-lib
cd decredjs-lib
npm install
Run all the tests:
gulp test
You can also run just the Node.js tests with gulp test:node
, just the browser tests with gulp test:browser
or create a test coverage report (you can open coverage/lcov-report/index.html
to visualize it) with gulp coverage
To build a decredjs-lib full bundle for the browser:
gulp browser
This will generate files named decredjs-lib.js
and decredjs-lib.min.js
You can also use our pre-generated files, provided for each release along with a PGP signature by one of the project's maintainers. To get them, checkout a release commit (for example, https://github.com/decredjs/decredjs-lib/commit/ef6f5e955b19d67d7eab89b9a0e360a11db63ca1 for v0.0.2).
To verify signatures, use the following PGP keys:
- @braydonf: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x9BBF07CAC07A276D
- @pnagurny: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x0909B33F0AA53013
Please send pull requests for bug fixes, code optimization, and ideas for improvement. For more information on how to contribute, please refer to our CONTRIBUTING file.
Code released under the MIT license.