
This is an assignment for the Tryout Program - SysLabo

Primary LanguagePython

Tryout Program: Syslabo Organization Chart Application

Project requirements (fulfilled requirements are marked as done).

  • Please create and provide an application that automatically creates an organizational chart like the one created in "組織図 (Organization chart).xlsx".
  • The applications that you create should be simple so that they can be maintained and modified by users other than the author.
  • We would like to have a simple function that allows us to maintain "sys_users" and "cmn_department“, as we would like to manage the change history, if possible.
  • Since we would like to be able to manage the information of "concurrent duties" that we cannot currently manage, I would like you to design and propose a way to realize what kind of structure should be used to manage it (implementation is not required)

Project Brief

  1. The two user xlsx table files, that were provided along the assignement were implemented as a database of the application.
  2. Some fields are made optional intentionally, because, either it didn't contributed much on the organization chart render process or didn't contain any data.
  3. A relational database is used to store the data.
  4. Django Template Engine is used to implement the data rendering from the backend to frontend.

Video Demonstration


How to setup the project


  1. Docker and docker compose program has to be installed in the host machine.
  2. The program starts with an entrypoint.sh file. Windows, by default, cannot run .sh files. If you are a windows user, please use Git bash.

Project setup

  1. Create a clone of the project
  2. Run docker compose up --build. This command will fire up the db and the web application.

Tech Stack

  1. Python
  2. Django
  3. HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 4.6
  4. Docker
  5. PostgreSQL

Scope of improvements

  1. A modern frontend framework can be used to improve data rendering and dynamic data input.
  2. For an asymmetric data structure like the organization hierarchy, the optimized solution could be a NoSQL database.

My limitations

Although I have decent proficiency in Django Framework and PostgreSQL database, I lack of frontend development. This application UI can be implemented with dynamic drag-n-drop features along with NoSQL db compatibility like MongoDB. 大変申し訳ありません 😔🙇🏻‍♂️