みなさんこんにちは 🙇🏽,
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Product details page URL
- breadcrumb
- Category
- Product name
- Price
- Image URL
- Avaiable size
- Sense of the size
- Coordinated product name
- Coordinated pricing
- Coordinated product number
- Coordinated image URL
- Coordinated product page URL
- Title of description
- General description of the product
- General description (itemization)
- Tale of size
- Special function and it's description
- Rating
- Number of reviews
- Recommended rate
- Review rating of each item
- Sense of fitting + its rating
- Appropriation of length + its rating
- Quality of material + its rating
- Comfort + its rating
- Put all Keywords together in the same column using comma