Classification algorithms evaluated against published clustering methods for automated flow cytometry data analysis

Running analysis

  • Evaluation data used in the study is unavailable due to patient confidentiality.
  • To use your own input data, a pickled pandas Dataframe is required in the format where each row is an FC event, each column is a marker and additional columns label and sample_name indicate the event label and the name of the sample the event is from, respectively.


  • begins the pipeline to run clustering methods on the input data and match outputs to labelled populations using the Hungarian assignment algorithm, then evaluate performance.
  • FLOCK requires installation from here.
  • flowgrid requires installation from here.
  • helper_match_evaluate_multiple.R was made available by Weber and Robinson, 2016.


  • will run Decision Tree, Random Forest and XGBoost classifiers to train and evaluate on input data.



  • allows recreation of the figures in the publication, except for; Fig 6, Fig 7 and Table 2 which would require the publication of confidential patient data.
  • figs is the folder where the figures will be saved to.


  • Data from the study which is required by to recreate publication figures.
  • confusion_matrix contains the confusion matrices generated from each trained classification model.
  • f1.pickle contains the results of the evaluation of the classification methods.
  • output contains the results and confusion matrices generated from each benchmarked clustering method.