Embed any source file (or specific lines) from any public github repo in your page, with no server-side dependencies. Include google-code-prettify (prettyPrint) for pretty colors!
Download the production version or the development version. You may also want prettify.js
and prettify.css
from google-code-prettify. It is not required, but if present will allow for syntax highlighting.
<!-- probaby just before closing body tag... -->
<script src="path/to/gheembedder.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
// somewhere after/during DOMReady
ghe.autoload(); // requires browser to have EITHER document.querySelectorAll OR jquery
// OR
// single specific instance (after page load, for example)
ghe.load( document.querySelectorAll('div')[0] );
This will load lines 743-768 of src/core.js (jQuery.proxy) from the jquery repo!
See http://jsbin.com/ekises/latest for a live working demo.
Find, read, and load all DOM nodes that have a [gh-path]
attribute. Requires document.querySelectorAll
or jQuery
Given a DOM node, load a Github file. The DOM node requires a few data-*
attributes, which are defined in the examples below. Internally, ghe
turns the node into the following configuration object, which can also be passed to this method:
path: 'src/ghembedder.js' // path relative to git repo root
,userrepo: 'kirbysayshi/ghembedder' // username/reponame
,ref: 'master' // ref id (sha), defaults to master
,lineBegin: -1 // include all lines
,lineEnd: -1 // include all lines
,el: el // DOM node to embed within
,fileName: 'ghembedder.js' // filename (used for anchor links internally)
,annotate: Boolean // include link and line numbers at end of embedding
,lang: 'lang-js' // prettyPrint: which language to use for highlighting
,linenos: Boolean // prettyPrint: include line numbers
I recommend always using a DOM node when possible for ease of use.
All possible data-*
data-ghpath="" <!-- required, String: path to file, repo-relative -->
data-ghuserrepo="" <!-- required, String: username/reponame -->
data-ghref="" <!-- optional, String: provide a specific ref, defaults to master -->
data-ghlines="" <!-- optional, String: which lines to display (not specified == all), e.g.: 34-90 -->
data-ghtabsize="" <!-- optional, Number: how many spaces a tab character should occupy, defaults to 4 -->
data-ghannotate="" <!-- optional, Boolean: Display short filename, lines x-X, link to source -->
data-ghlinenos="" <!-- optional, prettyPrint, Boolean: display line numbers -->
data-ghlang="" <!-- optional, prettyPrint, String: which language to use for highlighting e.g.: lang-js -->
Load lines 743-768 from src/core.js
of the jQuery repo @ 714b8ffd2b28af446fea8f25e369597d7c509cb4
Load all lines from src/ghembedder.js
Load lines 340-350 from src/ghembedder.js
load all lines from src/ghembedder.js
, add annotation:
load all lines from src/ghembedder.js
, use line numbers (requires google-code-prettify:
Please don't edit files in the "dist" subdirectory as they are generated via grunt. You'll find source code in the "src" subdirectory!
- 0.1.0: initial release
Copyright (c) 2012 Andrew Petersen
Licensed under the MIT license.
base64 is Copyright (c) 2010 Nick Galbreath
Ben Alman, for Grunt.