
Pentaho App Builder - CRUD Client Plugin

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Pentaho App Builder - CRUD Client Plugin

How to install CRUD Client Plugin

  1. Download Pentaho BI Server CE 6.1 https://sourceforge.net/projects/pentaho/files/Business%20Intelligence%20Server/6.1/biserver-ce-

  2. Put the plugin CRUDClient into pentaho-solutions/system

  3. Create a database connection called clients into MySQL.

  4. Execute clients_db.sql

create database clients;
use clients;
create table tb_clients(
    cod integer,
    name varchar(200),
    company varchar(100),
    country varchar(100)
  1. Change db password

5.1) Open those files on PDI: registerData.ktr, updateData.ktr, deleteData.ktr, KettleTransBuscar.ktr.

5.1.1) In registerData.ktr, go to step table ouput -> Connection -> Edit... -> Change to your own MySQL password.
5.1.2) In updateData.ktr, go to step insert / update -> Connection -> Edit... -> Change to your own MySQL password.
5.1.3) In deleteData.ktr, go to step Delete -> Connection -> Edit... -> Change to your own MySQL password.
5.1.4) In KettleTransBuscar.ktr, go to step table input -> Connection -> Edit... -> Change to your own MySQL password

  1. Restart BI Server

  2. Enjoy the plugin.

After any insert, update or delete using the plugin, we need to reload the plugin on App Builder.

App Builder
