
Udacity's third project for the Front End Web Development Nanodegree

Primary LanguageJavaScript


THis Classic Arcade Game Clone is a spin-off of Frogger I created to practice my object oriented skills in JavaScript for Udacity's Front End Web Development NanoDegree.

Requirements & Dependencies to Play

In order to play this game locally you must download the entire ZIP file and extract it to your computer. There are images that are a part of the package that are required to render the objects in the game, including the environemnt as well as the player/bugs.

The HTML, CSS, and 3 JavaScript files are required as well so that the program will run as intended.

You are also more than welcome to use the online version I created, which will also run the same as it does locally provided you have a solid Internet connection: https://alex-stork.github.io/Classic-Arcade-Game-Clone/

Objective & Rules

The rules of the game are simple: get the player to the other side without running into any of the bugs. Once you cross the other side, you will be prompted to continue to the next round where you can do it again.

The catch is you only get 5 lives for the entire game, and for every round you complete the bugs will get faster and faster. Your objective is to get the highest round possible without running out of lives entirely.


Although this game is for educational purposes only, pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.