Attention! This project is deprecated. Active development has been moved to Ultron. It has much more abilities and power.
This library provides access to nice and simple DSL for Espresso framework. It allows you to write simple and stable UI tests for Android application. Moreover, you don't need to learn any new classes or special syntax. All magic actions and assertions are provided from crunch. Library can be easy customised and extended by advanced user. Wish you only stable tests!
Russian README is here
- Simple and presentative syntax
- Stability of all actions and assertions
- Full control under any action and assertion
- An architectural approach to writing tests
The standard Espresso syntax is complex and not intuitive to understand. This is especially evident when interacting with the RecyclerView
Let's look at 2 examples:
1. Click on simple button.
Clear Espresso
Espresso page object
2. Click on RecyclerView list item
Clear Espresso
Espresso page object
val isButtonDisplayed = withId( { isDisplayed() }
if (isButtonDisplayed) {
//do some reasonable actions
val isButtonDisplayed = withId( { result ->
success = result.success
exception = result.exception
description = result.resultDescription
- How to interact with RecyclerView
- AdapterView and onData
- How we reduce flakiness of all actions and assertions
- Lifecycle listener. Listen all operations and their results.
- RuleSequence + SetUpTearDownRule. Full control under your tests
I try to advocate the correct construction of the test framework architecture, the division of responsibilities between the layers and other correct things.
Therefore, I would like to recommend the following approach when your are using the library.
- Create a PageObject class and specify screen UI elements
object ChatPage : Page<ChatPage>() {
private val messagesList = withId(
private val clearHistoryBtn = withText("Clear history")
private val inputMessageText = withId(
private val sendMessageBtn = withId(
Some elements like chat title could be determined dynamically with application data.
In this case you need to add a method in PageObject class which will return Matcher<View>
object ChatPage : Page<ChatPage>() {
private fun getTitle(title: String): Matcher<View> {
return allOf(withId(, withText(title))
It's recommended to make all PageObject classes as object
and descendants of Page class.
In this case you will be able to use cool kotlin magic.
- Describe user step methods in PageObject class.
object ChatPage : Page<ChatPage>() {
fun sendMessage(text: String) = apply {
fun clearHistory() = apply {
Full code sample ChatPage.class
- Call user steps in test
fun friendsItemCheck(){
FriendsListPage {
assertStatus("Janice","Oh. My. God")
fun sendMessage(){
ChatPage {
sendMessage("test message")
Full code sample DemoEspressoTest
Use RuleSequence + SetUpTearDownRule to prepare test data.
In general, it all comes down to the fact that the architecture of your project will look like this.
repositories {
dependencies {
androidTestImplementation 'com.atiurin.espresso:espressopageobject:0.1.19'
Version 0.1.17 has a new internal structure and you need to make minor changes in your project to migrate on it. Read more info Migration to 0.1.17
It is required to use AndroidX libraries. You can get some problems with Android Support ones.