
A complete solution to make periodic Disc snapshots in Yandex Cloud rewritten in Go

Primary LanguageGo

This is English translation of https://github.com/nikolaymatrosov/go-yc-serverless-snapshot Readme.md as well as code commentary. Aim is to make it easier for international Yandex.Cloud clients to start using this Lambda.

Basic principles

By default in user cloud there is a limit on maximum amount of concurrent operations, which equals 15.

Which means, that if we want to do more than 15 disk snapshots at the same time, we can't just call in one function which will invoke snapshot creation for all of the disks in folder or cloud.

To keep things simple without designing custom "retry" conditions or waiting to snapshot to finish, we will use Yandex Message Queue for task coordination between functions.

The first function (spawn-snapshot-tasks);

will be triggered by cron scheduler, will discover the list of disks which will be scheduled for backup and then will push messages into the Yandex Message Queue, one per each disk that have to be backed up.

Second function (snapshot-discs.go)

will use Yandex Message Queue messages as a trigger, will read the message with disk_id will attempt to create a snapshot for this disk.

In case Cloud API (the one responsible for VMs, disks and snapshots) returns an error, for example if we exceed the quota on total number of snapshots or concurrent operations, function will throw a exception.

The message will not be removed from the Queue, and after some time, will once again become available to be received. This way we provide 'retry' functionality in case something is preventing us from doing snapshots, and we want to automatically recover when those conditions clear.

create snapshots diagram

Third function

does cleaning up unneeded or expired snapshots. When creating shapshot a , we automatically label it with expiration_ts label containing unix-timestamp of when this snapshot expires and is no longer needed.

Using cron scheduler triggers, this function will delete all expired snapshots whole with expiration timestamp below current date and time. This operation does not count towards quotas (since we are obviously decreasing the amount of snapshots)

cleanup snapshots diagram

Pre-deployment and OS setup

MacOs (Linux)

To deploy this solution you have to have YC-CLI installed and initialized yc As well as S3-CMD tool to interact with AWS-API sercvices s3cmd.

We will need both to automate our function deployment.


For windows you also need to have both tools installed as well as mingw (git bash).

To install it first do:

  1. Download and insstall GnuZip

  2. Add GnuZip to PATH.

You will need administrator account to do that.

Setting up necessary resources and configuring solution

To deploy functions in your cloud you need to do the following:

  1. Create file named .env based on template file .env.template and fill in the following:

    1.1 Fill in FOLDER_ID= with folder id where to deploy the function

    1.2 Fill inAWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= To get those keys create service account with role "editor" in the folder where you will be deploying your function

Expand command output
Use YC CLI to create service account and give him "editor" role
yc iam service-account create --name sa-snapshot 
--description "service account for snapshot automation" --format=json
yc resource-manager folder add-access-binding --service-account-name=sa-snapshot --name=av-demo --role=editor
"id": "aje82e80o9roadhod6bl",
"folder_id": "b1gul7j7tkf53j6imep0",
"created_at": "2020-10-07T01:18:02Z",
"name": "sa-snapshot",
"description": "service account for snapshot automation" 

Let's verify the output and correct role asignment
SA_SNAPSHOT=$(yc iam service-account get --name=sa-snapshot --format=json | jq -r '.id')
yc resource-manager folder list-access-bindings --name=av-demo --format=json |  jq --arg SA_SNAPSHOT "$SA_SNAPSHOT" -r '.[]|select(.subject.id==$SA_SNAPSHOT) | "sa-snapshot role and id are:   "    + "\(.role_id)/\(.subject.id)"'

sa-snapshot role and id are:   editor/aje82e80o9roadhod6bl
Show the resulting keypair
Lets create static (AWS) keys
yc iam access-key create --service-account-name sa-snapshot --format=json

Write down key_id and secret values
               "id": "ajeup40ardboshpnifcn",
               "service_account_id": "aje82e80o9roadhod6bl",
               "created_at": "2020-10-07T01:20:11Z",
               "key_id": "qPKMRDUcwxPWHQ1D7av4 
"secret": "somesecrett" 

Where Key_id would be AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, and secret would be AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

1.3 Fill in DEPLOY_BUCKET= name of s3 Bucket where to publish Function code and binaries. Create private bucket in the same folder and write its name. (https://cloud.yandex.com/docs/storage/operations/buckets/create)

1.4 Choose either MODE=all or MODE=only-marked - in mode all snapshots will be done for every disk in folder, in only-marked modeo only for disks with label snapshot

Show the full output
Use YC-CLI to assign label to disk

yc compute disk add-labels --name=init-test-disk --labels=snapshot=1

Verify that label has applied on a disk
  "id": "fhmhsdpqauu4vasm5tsl",
  "folder_id": "b1gul7j7tkf53j6imep0",
  "created_at": "2020-08-19T15:51:36Z",
  "name": "init-test",
           "snapshot": "1"
  "type_id": "network-hdd",
  "zone_id": "ru-central1-a",
  "size": "2445983875072",
  "block_size": "4096",
  "product_ids": [
  "status": "READY",
  "source_snapshot_id": "fd8b2e4op5qmj27p2s79",


1.5 Fill inSERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID= use id of SA that you've created earlier

1.6 Fill inTTL= in Snapshot Time To Live in seconds. 1 week = 606024*7 = 604800 will be TTL=604800

1.7 Fill in CREATE_CRON= schedule for snapshot creation and DELETE_CRON= schedule for removing expired snapshots. Both should be filled in in AWS-format https://cloud.yandex.com/docs/functions/concepts/trigger/timer

1.8 QUEUE_URL и QUEUE_ARN will be autopopulated, leave them empty.


  1. ./script/create.sh Launch this script first, it will create 3 functions, message queue and 3 triggers

  2. ./script/deploy.sh Launch this script next to upload the function code to bucket, and activate them