awesome remark awesome

A curated list of awesome remark (a Markdown processor and a unified project) resources.

remark is not another Markdown to HTML compiler. It can generate and reformat Markdown too. Powered by plugins to do all kinds of things: check Markdown code style, transform safely to React, add a table of contents, or compile to man pages, and much more.

unified is an interface for processing text using syntax trees. It’s what powers remark, but also retext and rehype. It’s part of the unified collective.




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Built on remark

  • mdx - Markdown combined with JSX.
  • react-markdown - Render markdown as React components.
  • prettier - Opinionated code formatter.
  • gatsby - Blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React.
  • netlify-cms - CMS for static site generators.
  • docz - Document your design system.
  • postcss-markdown - Process CSS in markdown.
  • eslint-plugin-markdown - Lint JavaScript in markdown.
  • documentation.js - Documentation system for modern JavaScript.
  • x0 - Document & develop React components without breaking a sweat.
  • bytemd - Hackable markdown editor component.

Built with remark

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CC-BY © Titus Wormer