Travel list react.js app

Learning tree

  1. Add style conditionally
  2. Work with forms (controlled elements)
  3. Lifting state up ( )
  4. Child, parents communication (inverse data flow)

A. Toggling items.

 function handleToggleItem(id) {
    setItems((items) => => === id ? { ...item, packed: !item.packed } : item

B. Delete items

 function handleDeleteItem(id) {
    setItems((items) => items.filter((item) => !== id));

C. Update items

 function handleAddItems(item) {
    setItems((items) => [...items, item]);

  1. Derived state

Derived state comes into play when we need to calculate a value based on existing state or props.

function Stats({ items }) {
  // console.log(items.length);

  if (!items.length)
    return (
      <p className='stats'>
        <em>Start adding some items to your packing list 🚀</em>

----------------- Derived state -------------------
  const numItems = items.length;
  const numPacked = items.filter((item) => item.packed).length;
  const percentage = Math.round((numPacked / numItems) * 100);

  return (
    <footer className='stats'>
        {percentage === 100
          ? "You got everything! Ready to go 🛫"
          : ` 🧳 You have ${numItems} items on your list, and you already packed:
        ${numPacked} (${percentage}%)`}