
NumbersIntoWords coding task

Primary LanguageC#

NumbersIntoWords coding task

  • Write a program which converts a currency (dollars) from numbers into words. The maximum number of dollars is 999 999 999.
  • The maximum number of cents is 99.
  • The separator between dollars and cents is a ‘,’ (comma).

Projects to run


Starts the HTTP server.


Starts the WPF client to interact with the api above.

Http client generation

# NSwag is used for client generation
# See more on https://github.com/RicoSuter/NSwag

# Ensure you have Node.js installed before

# Install NSwag
npm install -g npm
npm i -g nswag

# Generate Open Api specification (using swagger) and save swagger.json file in "src\Api.Client\Generator\" folder.

# Execute PowerShell script


# Execute all tests
dotnet test