- 4
#14 opened by victorparragarcia - 1
Font size rescales on hover / active items
#1 opened by alex285 - 4
New effect in the dash
#16 opened by victorparragarcia - 1
Gnome-shell dialogs buttons
#15 opened by victorparragarcia - 4
Elements sizes
#13 opened by victorparragarcia - 2
Missing GDM Lock Screen theming
#12 opened by victorparragarcia - 4
Workspaces Switcher
#11 opened by victorparragarcia - 1
#10 opened by victorparragarcia - 2
Notification bug
#9 opened by t0kieu - 0
Alt Tab Styles
#5 opened by alex285 - 7
- 16
Calendar next day has a blue background
#2 opened by alex285 - 3
Input method candidate list color
#6 opened by sunng87 - 1
Dates with events should be more noticeable
#3 opened by alex285 - 1