Birthday Bot
This script fetches an ICS (Calendar) file, and sends a Discord message listing today's events.
If no events are found for the current day, the bot will message a "random" motivational quote. Thanks for the list!
This project was originally developed using Google Calendar. The values of the ICS format may vary between calendar services.
Python Virtualenv
virtualenv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
dotenv file
The .env file requires 6 params:
is the HTTPS URL to the ICS file containing the calendar data
is the channel ID where to make announcements
is the guild ID where to make announcements
is the discord bot token
is the environment you're running in. Set to live
when running in a live context.
is the target timezone you want to display messages in, eg America/Chicago
Running locally
A simple python3
should get you off the ground, after you've defined the required parameters in the .env file.
Build & Deploy (to lambda)
This project is no longer deployed via Lambda. I now use a kubernetes cluster for all my deployments.
bash && bash
Build & Deploy (to kubernetes)
See .github/workflows/test.yml
for an idea of what it takes to build & deploy to Kubernetes.
Sample secret definition
kubectl create secret generic -n birthday-bot-test birthday-bot \
--from-literal=discord_token=XX \
--from-literal=discord_guild_id=XX \
--from-literal=discord_channel_id=XX \
--from-literal=ical_url=XX \