Comprehensive and security Electron template (TypeScript + Vue3 + Vite).
- 0
#20 opened by 11003 - 0
There is a serious error when execute npm install: npm warn deprecated inflight@1.0.6: This module is not supported, and leaks memory.
#19 opened by wildtang - 1
On Windows run npm run build:win, result is errorOut=ERROR: Cannot create symbolic link
#17 opened by wildtang - 2
Can not debug on Windows, error is Could not connect to debug target at http://localhost:9222
#18 opened by wildtang - 0
#16 opened by enjoy-myLife - 0
Property 'electron' does not exist on type 'Window & typeof globalThis'. Did you mean 'Selection'?
#15 opened by cdwmhcc - 1
- 3
Vue router + electron vite
#7 opened by mb-mysterdev - 1
tsconfig.node.json include all files in src/main
#12 opened by Kinqdos - 1
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Vue framework is in devDependencies
#10 opened by clemp6r - 1
ipcRenderer and ipcMain examples
#6 opened by soupman99 - 8
mac m1电脑 运行build:mac报错
#4 opened by rlinhe - 1
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记一次打包之后,找不到 node_modules/../src/index.js 文件
#2 opened by Amaoc - 1
windows 10 Error: spawn EPERM
#1 opened by helibin