This is a Mqtt broker for embedded devices, developed in C++, FreeRTOS to use advanced multitasking capabilities, and arduino core. Tested in an Esp32 and esp8266.
- 5
Guru Meditation in ReaderMqttPacket::bytesToString when there is some traffic load on the Broaker
#6 opened by diodi - 0
simpleMqttBroker repeatedly drops off the network
#22 opened by lutorm - 2
Support for username and password
#10 opened by Sev7eNup - 0
mTLS support possible?
#21 opened by veejaysani - 0
A7670E SIMCOM modem can't connect to broker created on ESP32C3 weactsutudio board
#20 opened by LUperdd - 0
- 4
websocket/mqtt - feasible?
#17 opened by mhaberler - 2
README lacks basic information: does this support MQTT over TCP, HTTP or both?
#18 opened by mhaberler - 7
It freezes after a few hours of operation
#8 opened by techcom2 - 7
- 1
Example for use with PubSubClient
#15 opened by vanhcm20 - 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
Access Point Example
#11 opened by steveasm - 5
MQTT broker received message with error while third-party mqtt client sended message with QoS 1 and QoS 2
#5 opened by wwwolfsasa - 3
Cannot connect from paho client library
#4 opened by SteeveGL - 1
Use Broker & Client
#7 opened by Sungapelke - 1
Send mqtt message to topic
#2 opened by cyb3rcod3 - 1