
A python package for Acoustic Source Localisation, with GUI and QGIS integration.

Primary LanguagePython


A python package for Acoustic Source Localisation, with GUI and QGIS integration.

Clone/refinement of the Locator package (github.com/alexW335/Locator) produced during my MSc; thesis on Acoustic Source Localisation available here.

What is it?

The lakeator is a python class designed for use in acoustic source localisation. It contains functionality for three different algorithms, namely: the Generalised Cross-Correlation (GCC) algorithm [1], complete with the identity, PHAT, p-PHAT, SCOT, RIR, and HB processors [2]; the Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm for localisation of narrowband sources [3]; and the auto-focusing MUSIC (AF-MUSIC) algorithm for localisation of broadband signals [4].

How do you use it?

The lakeator class can either be used inside a python script (see the main.py file, for example) or via the GUI with python gui.py. The GUI is designed to not require any programming knowledge to be able to use it.


Documentation is available at https://lakeator.readthedocs.io/en/latest/


To install dependencies with pipenv, use pipenv install --ignore-pipfile. The lakeator is dependent on the following packages, which will be installed:


[1] Knapp, C. H., & Carter, G. C. (1976). The Generalized Correlation Method for Estimation of Time Delay. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 24(4), 320–327. https://doi.org/10.1109/TASSP.1976.1162830
[2] Ritu, & Dhull, S. K. (2016). A Comparison of Generalized Cross-Correlation Methods for Time Delay Estimation. IUP Journal of Telecommunications, 8(4).
[3] Schmidt, R. O. (1986). Multiple emitter location and signal parameter estimation. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, AP-34(3), 276–280. https://doi.org/10.1109/9780470544075.ch2
[4] Pal, P., & Vaidyanathan, P. P. (2009). A novel autofocusing approach for estimating directions-of-arrival of wideband signals. Conference Record - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 1663–1667. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACSSC.2009.5469796