ENSF 480 Final Proj
Compile: javac *.java java TicketApp DataCommunicator GuestFrame MainFrame GuiController HomePageFrame UserLoginFrame
Connecting to the Database:
- Start MySQL in your system Services (search Services from Windows Start button, scroll to MySQL, right-click, start).
- In MySQL Shell type the following commands:
- \c root@localhost:3306 (may have to adjust based on your server settings which you can view on MySQL Workbench)
- \sql
- create database ensf480;
- Change the password macro in DBController to your MySQL password.
- Then, construct a DBController object; this will create the tables in the ensf480 database based on the schema in resources/init.sql.
Using the Program:
- Login as a guest from the starting frame. Whatever username you use here, you can use to create a Registered User (RU) account with, so REMEMBER THIS USERNAME!
- Note: this guest username can also then be used to login as an Ordinary User (OU) from this point on!
- Either test functionalities from here, or click the "Register Now!" button to register as an RU.
- If you registered as an RU, logout and restart the GUI. Login as an RU from the starting frame using your original username. Test functionalities from here.