
Program that performs and plots sentiment values for tweets over time. Check out the screenshots folder for a preview.

Primary LanguageR


To run:

  • Change the working directory on line 16 to wherever you downloaded the "elon-tweet-analysis" folder to
  • Run all by hitting ctrl-alt-R
  • A random 60 day period will be selected to plot the sentiment values over
    • The range can be reduced or expanded easily by modifying the range variable on line 28


  • Currently this program analyzes tweets from Elon Musk
  • Could modify this program to do sentiment analysis on any sorts of texts that change over time
  • Sentiment analysis is based off of number of "positive" and "negative" words
    • In the future, would like to expand this to give an emotion back - such as "sad", "excited", etc.
  • If you're having troubles running the program, try just calling Setup() instead of the pipelined functions at the bottom, then once Setup() runs once, recall the pipeline
