For Windows, refer to the Wiki pages

For Unix system(Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 & Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6)

By Yang Shaohui, Alex Au on 2018.09.13

Getting started on Unix

run the following commands in the project directory

  1. sudo apt-get install openocd gcc-arm-none-eabi under linux.

    brew install open-ocd brew tap PX4/px4 brew install px4-dev under OSX. brew cask install xquartz java might be needed. Also, the XCode command line toolchain is needed as dependency. If you do not have homebrew installed yet, go to

  2. git clone and cd into this repository

  3. make or make -j4 where 4 is the thread count

  4. run openocd -f openocd/start_st-link_flash.cfg with board connected via st-link to flash the program


  • for debugging, run openocd -f openocd/start_st-link_debug.cfg , followed by a gdb connection with you own IDE/editor, the VSCode configuration is provided and is used with the "Native Debug" extension
  • of course you can always use telnet localhost 4444 and use terminal to interface with the openocd debug server directly

Submitting assignments

This part will come up later on.