GET and POST with a Server

In this exercise, you are going to practice using routes alongside fetch requests to a server.

Get Started

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone the forked repository onto your local machines
  3. In the root directory, type npm install, which installs dependencies for the project
  4. Run json-server - npx json-server --watch db/db.json --routes db/routes.json --port 3030(or just json-server --watch db/db.json --routes db/routes.json --port 3030, if you already have json-server installed)
  5. Finally, type npm run start, which starts a development server that runs your website in the browser. That server will reload your website whenever you make any changes to source files


The instructor will demonstarte the following:

  • How to setup and start json-server and the build process
  • A GET request to the "/tours" endpoint in /admin/Router.js
  • A POST request to the "/tours" endpoint in /admin/tours/CreateTour.js

You will implement the above and:

  • A GET request to the "/tickets" endpoint in /admin/tickets/Summary.js
  • A GET request to the "/tickets" endpoint in /user/tickets/ViewTickets.js
  • A POST request to the "/tickets" endpoint in /user/tickets/BookTicket.js

Further Work


  • Add an address resource to db.json that works with tours
  • Add a form to the /admin/tours/CreateTour.js for the address
  • Display the address on the lists


  • Add another type of attraction ie. shows for Theatre Shows
  • Add another route to /admin/Router.js for a CreateShow form
  • Allow users to book tickets to shows