React Global State

In this exercise, you are going to practice using global state via a Redux-like store.

To manage that global state, you'll use the React hooks useContext and useReducer.


  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone the forked repository onto your local machines
  3. In the root directory, type npm install, which installs dependencies for the project
  4. Finally, type npm run start, which starts a development server that runs your website in the browser. That server will reload your website whenever you make any changes to source files


  • Break down app.js into components
    • You should have an Emails component that renders a list
    • You should have an Email component that is a list item
  • Instead of each component maintaining local state via useState, use a Redux-like store to make state available to each component
  • Use dispatch to update your Redux-like store
  • Break down app.css into stylesheets


  • Get one part of your store's state working properly before you try and add additional state (which you might do by combining your reducer functions).

Extra Challenge 1

  • Get the search input to work in the header section so that users can search for emails by title

Extra Challenge 2

  • Get the emails to open and display an email using conditional rendering and a component
  • You'll need to use the global state to keep track of which email is selected and you'll need a component to display the email
  • Add a back button so users can return to their inbox