This project is my first Go project, which is a Tetris game implemented using the Ebiten library. It was developed as a learning project to explore the Go programming language and gain hands-on experience with its concepts and features.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd tetris
Download the project dependencies using the go.mod file:
go mod download
Build the project:
- Run the compiled binary to start the Tetris game:
- Game controls:
- Left Arrow: Move the current block to the left.
- Right Arrow: Move the current block to the right.
- Up Arrow: Rotate the current block.
- Down Arrow: Drop the current block.
- Objective:
- Clear lines by filling them completely with blocks to score points.
- Prevent the blocks from reaching the top of the playfield.
- The game ends when the blocks stack up to the top.