
[WIP] Simple time tracker app which automatically tracks how you use your computer

Primary LanguageGo


Go Report Card

Simple app which automatically tracks how you use your computer


make install (MacOS only) automatically installs the app to the home dir: ~/.gtracker/

If you want just to build it, run:

make build

And after in yout local directory you will have gtracker binary which you can already use.


As a daemon:

gtracker --daemon

Print statistics:

gtracker --today
| Name         | Duration   |
| Finder       | 0h 0m 7s   |
| Sublime Text | 0h 1m 45s  |
| iTerm        | 0h 2m 3s   |


gtracker -h

Usage of gtracker:
        Run tracking process
  -end-date string
        Show stats to specific date
  -formatter string
        Formatter to use: simple, pretty, json (default "pretty")
        Show full names ('pretty' or 'simple' formatters only)
        Group stats by day
        Group by window name
  -max-name-length int
        Maximum length of a name ('pretty' or 'simple' formatters only) (default 75)
  -max-results int
        Number of results (default 15)
        Show last month's stats
  -name string
        Filter by name
  -start-date string
        Show stats from specific date
        Show today's stats
        Show last week's stats
  -window string
        Filter by window
        Show yesterday's stats