
Simple KV storage with Raft consensus algorithm inside

Primary LanguageGo

Simple hashicorp/raft usage example

Build Status Go Report Card

This is a simple distributed in-memory key-value storage which has an HTTP interface and uses hashicorp/raft internally.


I wanted to try to build something with Raft, so I decided to create yet another key-value storage. It will run elections to choose a new leader automatically if the current leader fails. It's very simple in-memory key-value storage which is not meant to be a reliable KV DB and not for production usage of course :)

Useful links:

Quick start

This project has configured docker containers ready to use. Start:

make run

It will start three docker containers (3 nodes) and you will see something like that


node_2_1  | [GIN-debug] Listening and serving HTTP on :8080
node_1_1  | [raft][WARN] raft: AppendEntries to {Voter} rejected, sending older logs (next: 1)
node_2_1  | [raft][WARN] raft: Failed to get previous log: 4 log not found (last: 0)
node_1_1  | [raft][INFO] raft: pipelining replication to peer {Voter}
node_3_1  | [raft][DEBUG] raft-net: accepted connection from:
node_2_1  | [raft][DEBUG] raft-net: accepted connection from:
node_1_1  | [DEBUG] state=Leader leader=
node_3_1  | [DEBUG] state=Follower leader=
node_2_1  | [DEBUG] state=Follower leader=
node_1_1  | [DEBUG] state=Leader leader=


Now you can make requests to set and get keys:

########### Get value

~/ > curl ''

{"value":""}  # empty, we don't have anything yet

########### Set value

~/ > curl '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"value": "some-value"}'

{"value":"some-value"}  # saved

########### Get value again

~/ > curl ''

{"value":"some-value"}  # hooray!

Try to stop the leader node, see how they elect a new leader and have fun! :)

HTTP API description

API is very simple:

POST /keys/<key>/

        Content-Type: application/jspn


            "value": "some-value"


GET /keys/<key>/

            "value": "some-value"


docker-compose.yml file contains prepared cluster with three nodes. Basically, they are copies of the image from Dockerfile. They will be exposed on ports 4001, 4002, 4003.

Example of the election

# we have a full cluster with three nodes in it: leader and two followers

node_1_1  | [DEBUG] state=Leader leader=
node_2_1  | [DEBUG] state=Follower leader=
node_3_1  | [DEBUG] state=Follower leader=

# let's stop the leader

> docker stop raftexample_node_1_1

raftexample_node_1_1 exited with code 137

# and the election process begins

node_3_1  | [raft][INFO] raft: Node at [Candidate] entering Candidate state in term 17
node_3_1  | [raft][INFO] raft: Election won. Tally: 2
node_3_1  | [raft][INFO] raft: Node at [Leader] entering Leader state
node_2_1  | [DEBUG] state=Follower leader=
node_3_1  | [DEBUG] state=Leader leader=


# now we have a new leader and one follower. Let's start old leader

> docker start raftexample_node_1_1

node_1_1  | [raft][DEBUG] raft-net: accepted connection from:
node_1_1  | [DEBUG] state=Follower leader=
node_2_1  | [DEBUG] state=Follower leader=
node_3_1  | [DEBUG] state=Leader leader=

# old leader started and it has follower role now


  • More tests
  • Ability to POST key to any node in the cluster, it will forward request to the leader automatically
  • Fuzzing Raft for Fun