
A Go package to wrap cjdns and its files

Primary LanguageGo


cjdngo is a Go package to wrap cjdns as minimally, but usefully, as possible. For the importance of cjdns, please see Project Meshnet.

The most fully-featured part of this package is that which wraps the JSON configuration files produced by cjdns. It provides an object, Conf, to allow for editing of the config file by other Go applications.


Nasal Demons

cjdngo is still under development, and may, though some misfortune, destroy any config file that you run it on. Please back up your config files, and keep them safe.

Comment Removal

JSON does not support comments, even though cjdns is able to parse it properly with them present. The JSON library available in Go is not able to, however, and therefore cjdngo must remove all explanatory comments in your config file before acting on it. Be warned: Any config file that is passed through cjdngo will have all of its comments permanently removed.


cjdngo is a Go package, also describable as a "cjdns library." It provides no functionality of its own. Other Go programs, however, are able to import cjdngo and use it to interact with cjdns. If you are developing such an application, and want to be able to import cjdngo just like other packages, you need to make sure that your environment is set up to be able to do so. See here for a much more detailed explanation.

The environment variable $GOPATH must point to a directory (such as $HOME/development/go, without the trailing /) containing three subdirectories: src/, pkg/, and bin/. Once it is doing so, you can import cjdngo by doing one of the following.

You can get the source locally by cloning this repository into a subdirectory of src/, and installing afterward, like so.

cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone git@github.com:SashaCrofter/cjdngo.git
cd cjdngo/
go install

Alternatively, you can use the go tool to fetch the package directly from GitHub.

go get github.com/SashaCrofter/cjdngo

If there is no output from the go command, then that means the installation was successful. After this point, you can use cjdngo by doing import "cjdngo" in your code.