
SurrealDB driver for Python

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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The official SurrealDB SDK for Python.

See the documentation here

Getting Started

Below is a quick guide on how to get started with SurrealDB in Python.

Running SurrealDB

Before we can do anything, we need to download SurrealDB and start the server. See how to do that here

After we have everything up and running, we can install the Python SDK.

Installing the Python SDK

pip install surrealdb

Using the (synchronous) Python methods

Import the SDK and create the database connection:

from surrealdb import SurrealDB

db = SurrealDB("ws://localhost:8000/database/namespace")

Here, we can see that we defined the connection protocol as WebSocket using ws://. We then defined the host as localhost and the port as 8000.

Finally, we defined the database and namespace as database and namespace. We need a database and namespace to connect to SurrealDB.

Now that we have our connection we need to signin:

    "username": "root",
    "password": "root",

We can now run our queries to create some users, select them and print the outcome.

db.query("CREATE user:tobie SET name = 'Tobie';")
db.query("CREATE user:jaime SET name = 'Jaime';")
outcome = db.query("SELECT * FROM user;")

Using the async Python methods

The async methods work in the same way, with two main differences:

  • Inclusion of async def / await.
  • You need to call the connect method before signing in.
import asyncio
from surrealdb import AsyncSurrealDB

async def main():
    db = AsyncSurrealDB("ws://localhost:8000/database/namespace")
    await db.connect()
    await db.signin({
        "username": "root",
        "password": "root",
    await db.query("CREATE user:tobie SET name = 'Tobie';")
    await db.query("CREATE user:jaime SET name = 'Jaime';")
    outcome = await db.query("SELECT * FROM user;")

# Run the main function

Using Jupyter Notebooks

The Python SDK currently only supports the AsyncSurrealDB methods.