Rancher Air-Gapped Installation Guide

Dev purpose only

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for installing Rancher in an air-gapped environment using local resources.


  • Kind installed
  • Access to required Rancher and other necessary Docker images
  • Helm v3 installed
  • Necessary YAML configuration files available locally


1. Create a Kind Cluster

kind create cluster --config kind-cluster-with-extramounts.yaml

2. Pull and Load Required Docker Images

# Ensure login to GHCR before running this part
while IFS= read -r line; do
    docker pull "$line"
    kind load docker-image "$line" --name=capi-test
done < "rancher-images.txt"

3. Install Cert-Manager

helm install cert-manager ./charts/cert-manager-v1.12.3.tgz \
    --namespace cert-manager \
    --create-namespace \
    --version v1.12.3 \
    --set installCRDs=true \

4. Apply Nginx Configuration

kubectl apply -f nginx.yaml

5. Install Rancher

export RANCHER_HOSTNAME="<your_rancher_hostname>"

helm install rancher ./charts/rancher-2.7.9.tgz \
    --namespace cattle-system \
    --create-namespace \
    --set replicas=1 \
    --set hostname="$RANCHER_HOSTNAME" \
    --set global.cattle.psp.enabled=false \
    --set 'extraEnv[0].name=CATTLE_FEATURES' \
    --set 'extraEnv[0].value=embedded-cluster-api=false' \
    --set useBundledSystemChart=true \
    --version v2.7.9

6. Install Rancher Turtles

helm install rancher-turtles ./charts/rancher-turtles-0.0.0-3461d67685276596682740624123ff5383648cf5.tgz \
    --version 0.0.0-3461d67685276596682740624123ff5383648cf5 \
    -n rancher-turtles-system --create-namespace \
    --set cluster-api-operator.cert-manager.enabled=false \
    --set cluster-api-operator.cluster-api.enabled=false \
    --set=rancherTurtles.features.embedded-capi.disabled=false \
    --dependency-update --wait --timeout 180s

7. Apply Manifests and Configuration

kubectl create -f manifests/
kubectl create -f capi-variables.yaml # Add vsphere username and password here before proceeding, and other required credential variables
kubectl create -f capi-providers.yaml