Sales Calculator and Roman Numeral Converter


Output Menu


Assignment Context

This project was one of the first assignments for my C# programming class.

The goal of this assignment was for students to get comfortable with C#, so we were prompted to further explore different class types and behavior.

We were expected to be able to use abstract and static classes, interfaces, and inheritance to write a sales calculator and convert numbers to Roman numerals.

This was a solo assignment made with C# and ASP.NET using Visual Studio 2022.


  • Calculates the total sales amount.
  • Converts positive integer numbers to Roman numerals.

How It Works

Sales Calculator

The sales calculator is implemented using an abstract class Product and an interface ISellable. The Product class represents a product with a price, code, and description. The Book class and Software class inherit from the Product class and implement the ISellable interface. The Book class represents a book with an author, and the Software class represents software with a version.

The sales calculation is done in the sell() method of the Book and Software classes. The Main() method of the Program class prompts the user to input the number of each item they would like to buy and calculates the total sales amount based on the prices and quantities.



Roman Numeral Converter

The Roman numeral converter is implemented using an extension method toRoman() for the int data type. The method takes an integer as input and returns its Roman numeral representation as a string.

The Main() method of the Program class prompts the user to input a number to convert to Roman numerals and calls the toRoman() method to perform the conversion.

