
Simple Python script that fetches data from ViteMyDose to find appointments within 24h.

Primary LanguagePython


Simple bot that automatically downloads data from ViteMaDose to find appointments within 24h. By default it finds appointments for all vaccine types within 50km from St. Genis-Pouilly.


usage: Vaccinbot.py [-h] [--interval INTERVAL] [--slack-token SLACK_TOKEN]
                    [--location LAT LONG] [--max-distance MAX_DISTANCE]
                    [--vaccines [VACCINES [VACCINES ...]]]
                    [--depts [DEPTS [DEPTS ...]]]

A bot that automatically fetches date from ViteMaDose and finds appointments
within 24h.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --interval INTERVAL   Time in minutes between queries to ViteMaDose.
                        Default: 15
  --slack-token SLACK_TOKEN
                        Path to file containing a slack token (activates Slack bot feature).
  --location LAT LONG   Latitude and longitude of your location. Default: St. Genis.
  --max-distance MAX_DISTANCE
                        Maximum radius of search from your position in km. 
                        Default: 50 km
  --vaccines [VACCINES [VACCINES ...]]
                        List of vaccines to look for. P=Pfizer-BioNTech; M=Moderna; AZ=AstraZeneca; J=Janssen; mRNA. Default: all.
  --depts [DEPTS [DEPTS ...]]
                        List of department numbers where to look for vaccines
                        (add 0 before single-digit depts. e.g. 01 not 1).
                        Default: 01 (Ain) + neighbouring depts.


No Slack bot: ./Vaccinbot.py --interval 20 --location 46 6 --max-distance 55 --vaccines P

With Slack bot: python3.6 Vaccinbot.py --interval 20 --slack-token slack_token.txt --location 46 6 --max-distance 55 --vaccines AZ J


The dependencies can be installed from the command line via pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Slack bot

Create a Slack app, create the channel #vaccinbot, copy and paste the app token in a file. Link the file via the ---slack-token option. This will enable the Slack bot integration.

Other integration?

PRs for other chat types are welcome!