Classic arcade game remake Implemented as separate server (Django) and client (JS) apps
Project requires Python 2.7.9 to run File requirements.txt contains all the requirements.
I used gevent-socketio for messaging. This package requires some outdated versions of Django and gevent lib, so I recommend using virtualenv
Installing gevent might be tricky, it requires libevent source. It can be downloaded from the official site and the directory must be provided as an argument to gevent setup script
Running project
Volfied server can be started by running
manage.py runserver_socketio
This starts the server on localhost:9000, so you can open this address in your browser The project was developed and tester using Chrome (v43)
Technical details
volfied_server django app has all the game logic and server-client messaging
- algorithm.py core geometry and volfied gameplay functions
- round.py provides a class for managing a single round of the game
- event.py contains all client-server messaging logic. it also has main game loop
Volfied/static/js/game.js javascript client implementation that renders the game and provides input
Every frame js client collects the input (arrow keys state) from the user and send it via network as JSON. On the server side each client has a round attached to session. The round calculates its next state based on previous state and input. The next state is then transmitted back to client (JSON)