- 1
Support PostgreSQL?
#39 opened by huynhphan89 - 5
how does one log into the demo?
#81 opened by pabl0rg - 1
YonaCMS Software 1.3.2 Database Disclosure
#106 opened by aaryansaharan - 5
- 4
- 0
4.1.5 CSRF (Edit Account)
#97 opened by mohajem - 1
The YONA Demo Site is throwing an error.
#96 opened by IWriteThings - 3
- 1
Changing url when session time out (question)
#91 opened by tankaizhan - 3
Unexpected rendering
#94 opened by Iworb - 1
- 1
- 2
Phalcon\Mvc\Model::validate() must implement interface Phalcon\ValidationInterface
#89 opened by Tinywan - 1
- 1
Router not working!
#85 opened by lechidung - 1
macro problem.
#53 opened by zikezhang - 0
Email template issue
#43 opened by giovani-sirbu - 0
Integrate phalcon-mailer
#45 opened by phpclub - 1
A few docker branch bugs
#61 opened by tmikaeld - 1
Can not create or move node in tree category
#79 opened by esoftcard - 6
Install on Xampp error
#78 opened by esoftcard - 3
#73 opened by webdesign7 - 3
Demo and documentation links are broken
#66 opened by ngethe - 1
not support php7
#72 opened by kideny - 1
- 0
Cannot save pages ?
#63 opened by adzanny - 6
Any plan to support phalcon 2.1
#52 opened by Geeknux - 4
Demo, Docs & Dev branch removed?
#59 opened by tmikaeld - 1
your demo page is hacked, can we trust?
#54 opened by Geeknux - 1
Need fix in JS
#51 opened by phpclub - 6
Meta-desc/title/key missing
#44 opened by Goran-n - 6
Can't update data in *_translate table.
#50 opened by zikezhang - 1
composer create-project fail on ext-phalcon
#49 opened by sneezyyzeens - 0
[Feature] Breadcrumbs module
#46 opened by phpclub - 4
[Feature] Page layout
#22 opened by augustine-tran - 0
Error 500 internal server error
#42 opened by r3ndyipb - 0
Volt compile path error
#34 opened by alexander-torosh - 1
- 4
[Feature] Menu management module
#21 opened by augustine-tran - 1
Manage Publication Error 500
#25 opened by sinabio - 1
Tree hierarchy?
#17 opened by olegatro - 0
#15 opened by alexander-torosh - 0
- 1
Why you store binaries in repository?
#14 opened by nkt - 3
- 1
Уничтожение сессии админа
#12 opened by xboston - 2
XSS в meta
#11 opened by xboston - 1
- 1
var is not empty is invalid construct
#4 opened by mosounov