
Repository dedicated to Neo-Latin Anthologies

Neo-Latin Anthologies (until c. 1900)


Anthologies of Neo-Latin poetry are a sorely understudied subject. Yet, they not only are useful as a selection, that can help us navigate in the mare magnum of Neo-Latin poetry. They are very likely to have had an impact on the development of Neo-Latin literature as well. By selecting, they inform a canon of 'good' poetry worthy to be read and imitated. Poetry in successful anthologies circulates more widely and has probably a more significant influence on other poets.

Morever, an anthology is not just a compilation of texts. It also mirrors more often than not a social network. This is most apparent in the case of anthologies of contemporary poets. The editors/compilators bring together texts from authors they directly or indirectly are in touch with. In the case of anthologies of authors from chronologically or geographically more distant contexts, the editors/compilators will be more likely to include texts they can get hold of via their intellectual network. In any case, it is rewarding to analyse which texts are chosen.

Two major project have so far devoted scholarly attention to anthologies. These are:

In this repository, I present a link list of noteworthy Neo-Latin anthologies, most notably Gruterus' Delitiae.



Delitiae C. Poetarum Gallorum (3 voll., Frankfurt 1609)

Delitiae Poetarum Germanorum (6 voll., Frankfurt 1612)

Delitiae Poetarum Italorum (2 voll., Frankfurt 1608)

Delitiae Poetarum Belgicorum (4 voll., Frankfurt 1614)

Delitiae Poetarum Scotorum (2 voll., Amst. 1637)

Delitiae Poetarum Danorum (2 voll., Lugd. B. 1693)

Delitiae poetarum Hungarorum (1 vol., Frankfurt 1619)


title editor volumes
Carmina illustrium poetarum Italorum Matthaeus Toscanus v. 1 (Paris 1576), v. 2 (Paris 1577)
Carmina illustrium poetarum Italorum Bottarius v. 1 (Florence 1719), v. 2 (Florence 1719), v. 3 (Florence 1719), v. 4 (Florence 1719), v. 5 (Florence 1720), v. 6 (Florence 1720), v. 7 (Florence 1720), v. 8 (Florence 1721), v. 9 (Florence 1722)
Carmina selecta ex illustrioribus poetis saeculi decimiquinti et decimisexti p. 1 (Verona 1732), p. 2 (Verona 1732)
Horti Tres Amorum Amoenissimi Aegidius Periander p. 1 Hortus Italorum Poetarum (Frankfurt 1567)
Carmina quinque illustrium poetarum Florence 1552
Carmina Poetarum Nobilium Ubaldinus, Ioannes Paulus Milan 1563
Poemata Selecta Italorum Qui Seculo Decimo Sexto Latine Scripserunt, Nonnullis Adnotationibus Illustrata Oxford/London 1808
Recentiorum poetarum germanorum carmina latina selectior Roenickius, Iohannes Tobias v. 1 (Helmstedt 1749), v. 2 (Helmstedt 1751)
Corpus Illustrium Poetarum Lusitanorum Antonio dos Reys t. 1 (Lisbon 1745), t. 2 (Lisbon 1745), t. 3 (Lisbon 1745), t. 4 (Lisbon 1745), t. 5 (Lisbon 1745), t. 6 (Lisbon 1748), t. 7 (Lisbon 1748)
Anthologia poematum latinorum aevi recentioris Pauly, August Tübingen 1818
Carmina Latina a poetis recentioris aetatis composita Carolus F. G. Siedhof Stuttgart 1845, no digital copy known
Die Latinität der Neuern von dem Wiederaufleben der Wissenschaften bis auf unsere Zeiten Karl Ferdinand Philippi Leipzig 1825
Musarum Anglicanarum analecta Oxford 1692, Oxford 1699, London 1714, London 1721; London 1741, London 1761
Lyra Doctorum : Carmina Lyrica a Viris Doctis Recentiorum Temporum Composita Draheim, Johannes Lipsiae 1886
Antologia della lirica latina in Italia: nei secoli XV e XVI Emilio Costa Città di Castello 1888
Deliciæ Parnassi, seu, Fragmenta poetarum, pasquinatæ Thomas Rogers Dublin 1700
ΑΝΘΟΛΟΓΊΑ seu selecta quaedam poemata Italorum, qui latine scripserunt London 1684
Quinque illustrium poetarum ... Lusus in Venerem Paris 1791
Eclogae illustrium poetarum latinorum recentioris aevi Johann Georg Krabinger Munich 1835
Erotopaegnion, sive Priapeia veterum et recentiorum F. Noel Paris 1798
Ubi sunt, qui ante nos in mundo fuere? : Ausgewählte lateinische Studenten-, Trink-, Liebes- und andere Lieder des vierzehnten bis achtzehnten Jahrhunderts aus verschiedenen Quellen, mit neudeutschen Uebertragungen, geschichtlicher Einleitung, Erläuterungen, Beigabe und einer Abbildung ; eine literaturgeschichtliche Studie, zugleich ein Liederbuch Pernwerth von Bärnstein Würzburg 1881
Carmina selecta oblatorum qui superiore saeculo floruerunt Catena, Bartolommeo Milan 1832
Recentiorum poetarum selecta carmina Fröbel, Carl Poppo Rudolphopoli, 1821-1822
Poemata didascalica François Oudin 1813
Parnasse latin moderne Brunel 1808
Musa Etonenses : seu carminum delectus nunc primum in lucem editus London 1795
Eclogae recentiorum carminum Latinorum Mitscherlich, Christoph Wilhelm Hannover 1793


To the extent possible under law, Alexander Winkler has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Neo-Latin anthologies. This work is published from: Germany.

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If you wish to cite or refer to this page, you could do so as follows:

Winkler, Alexander: "Neo-Latin anthologies" (2023), https://github.com/alexander-winkler/nlat_anth (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7921137