A backend project aimed at building a bookstore Application where authors can write amazing books, blogs, articles and other forms of publication directly on the App, upload books and other forms of publication for free, allowing readers to easily access them. The amazing advantage here is that this application provides an easily accessed writing tool for authors and helps bridge the communication gap between authors and readers through a web chat comment section where readers can leave comments on books and other publications and also get real-time feedback from authors.
This bookstore app gives authors the power to be more creative in writing without restrictions and readers more books to read. However, the bookstore is restricted to only tech-related contents. This is to encourage tehnical writers and developers to write consistently with no limits.
Some features to implement in the nearest future are: Testing using Jest and supertest, Storage, chat features using webSocket, Authentication, Views and design templating, Uploads and compression features.
git clone https://github.com/alexanderchosen/My-Bookstore.git
npm install
npm run dev
nodemon app.js
npm run test