Version 1.0.0
goal: LIVE website we can edit FAST & give logins to other ppl (they can edit, too)! techs used: Netlify + GitHub + Gatsby tools: basic open source tools from TutZero, GoogleAds account (optional)
CHROME make your gh repo based on this one
BASH clone, cd in, run: yarn && ntl dev
CHROME netlify, make new site from gh repo Settings: choose custom URL Identity: enable Netlify Identity (btn) Identity, Settings (bottom of page): enable Git Gateway (btn)
custom URL bottom of page, Admin link sign up w your personal email confirm sign in
custom URL/Admin Media in top navbar upload your images
give it 60 seconds or so...
BASH new tab: git pull
watch your image files download to your machine, again, in a new place this time... the folder of the gatsby starter, not your Downloads folder. Crazy stuff