UPDATE - I've since decided that a full EIP like Camel for Node.js is too heavyweight and we are better off focusing on microservices so I've stopped work on this project. I'd recommend using the async library (https://github.com/caolan/async) for pipelines and writing small functions, I'm not convinced node projects should be any bigger than that.
Object passed between routes and processors, contains a Message.
Object that contains content and headers.
URI that identifies an input or an output
A function(exchange, callback) or an object with a process(exchange, callback) function, if object is passed then it binds to the object
Input endpoint, a pipeline and an optional output endpoint
A list of processors that the exchange is passed through sequentially
- contains a truthy expression (usually checking something on the exchange)
- wraps a processor / endpoint
- a list of When processors
- loops through and sends to the first When processor whose expression is true
- sends to an endpoint
- calls back to the exchange
- sends to multiple endpoints or processors
- filters based on an expression
var Alpaca = require('alpaca'),
Context = Alpaca.Context,
RouteBuilder = Alpaca.RouteBuilder,
Exchange = Alpaca.Exchange,
Message = Alpaca.Message,
// basic processor that processes an exchange, appending a string to the body
function TextAppender(textToAppend) {
this.textToAppend = textToAppend;
// processors should provide a process method that takes an exchange
// and a callback
TextAppender.prototype.process = function(exchange, callback) {
// process the exchange
exchange.message.body += this.textToAppend;
// callback (err, exchange)
callback(null, exchange);
var cx = new Context();
cx.addRoute(new RouteBuilder(cx).from("direct:one")
.process(new TextAppender(' 1!'))
cx.addRoute(new RouteBuilder(cx).from("direct:two")
.process(new TextAppender(' 2!'))
cx.addRoute(new RouteBuilder(cx).from("direct:three")
.process(new TextAppender(' 3!'))
cx.addRoute(new RouteBuilder(cx).from("direct:multicast")
.process(new TextAppender('Hello'))
.multicast('direct:one', 'direct:two', 'direct:three')
cx.on('direct:outbound', function(exchange) {
// exchange.message.body == 'Hello 3!'
cx.send('direct:multicast', new Exchange());