
DubSub Plugin for the Play Framework

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

DubSub Plugin for Play Framework

DubSub - Distributed PubSub with Akka Cluster


Add the following to your Build.scala

val appDependencies = Seq(
  "uk.co.panaxiom" %% "play-dubsub" % "0.4-SNAPSHOT"

val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies).settings(
  resolvers += Resolver.url("Alex's GitHub Repository", url("http://alexanderjarvis.github.com/snapshots/"))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)

Add to your conf/play.plugins file (and create if it does not exist), where 500 is the priority that you can adjust relative to other plugins.



You will need to define an actor which responds to Subscribe, Unsubscribe and Publish in order to receive messages from DubSub:

import uk.co.panaxiom.dubsub._

class SocketActor extends Actor {
  def receive = {
    case Subscribe(channel) => Logger.info("Subscribed to dubsub channel " + channel)
    case Unsubscribe(channel) => Logger.info("Unsubscribed to dubsub channel " + channel)
    case Publish(channel, message) => Logger.info("Publish from dubsub " + channel + " message " + message)

From within this actor you can send messages to DubSub like the following:

val dubsub = DubSubPlugin.dubsub

// Subscribes this actor to messages published to the channel with "topic"
dubsub ! Subscribe("topic")

// Unsubscribes this actor from "topic"
dubsub ! Unsubscribe("topic")

// Publishes a message to all subscribers of "topic" (across all cluster nodes)
dubsub ! Publish("topic", "message")


Set the remote port of at least your first seed node as a runtime property. Other nodes can be started without this and will pick a random port.

play stage
target/start -Ddubsub.akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=2551

You can specify the seed-nodes of the cluster in your application.conf:

dubsub {
  akka {
    cluster {
      seed-nodes = [


Play comes with a websocket-chat example, which has been enhanced with DubSub: websocket-chat-dubsub