
README not clear and no examples to illustrate

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Can you please illustrate with a simple skeleton play sample.
I am not able to understand the flow here and the README is not as helpful either.

Please create a simple example that illustrate Publish and Subscribe of Simple Messages.

I would love to use this framework but your examples are just not clear

Is this correct?

Please refer this for routes, controller code and startup command

The code seems to be behaving in a weird fashion

Have you looked at the websocket-chat example?

You need to use either WebSockets, or long-polling requests in order to use DubSub as it is intended to serve persistent/stateful connections/clients.

Just having a typical http request/response with a standard Play controller will not therefore work except for Publishing messages to other Subscribers that are connected by other means.

Thanks for the reply Jarvis.
In that case can I build a simple actor backed stateless
DubSub system ? If do do you have a simple

DubSub is stateful - it holds the subscriptions in memory. Have you read through the main DubSub project readme? I'm not really sure what you are asking.