
Music information retrieval project based on the NIPS paper by van Oord et al.

Primary LanguagePython


This work has reproduced the results by (van den Oord et al., 2013) and shown that a CNN can successfully learn features from Mel- spectrogram representations of songs. The CNN model uses four convolutional layers followed by ReLU non-linearities and max- pooling layers, a global pooling layer and three fully-connected layers to predict a song’s item-factors. These are a factorised represen- tation of user-item play counts obtained using Weighted Matrix Factorisation. An AUC score of 0.71 was achieved when reconstructing user-item preference labels with the item- factors predicted by the CNN model. In the process of predicting item-factors, , the neural network should learn musically significant features. These features can be used to find similarities between songs and hence recommend unknown songs. The visualisation of these features using t-SNE did not show clear enough patterns to confirm their significance. Further investigation of neuron activations in the final fully-connected layer is required to determine what the features represent.