The purpose of this repository is to have a place where members of FCC Oslo can contribute their code and collaborate using Git and Github.
FCC Oslo is a free and informal meetup every monday. All skill levels welcome. Join the Facebook group here
You can contribute to the project if you have joined a meetup.
For now we are focused on html, css and Javascript + whatever libraries are needed.
This repo has been created to improve members' collaborative skills using Git version control.
Git is a version control technology used by developers to track changes, go back to previous versions of working code and limit the amount of bugs intruduced to the code base. Github is where you store the code and make it accessible to all collaborators.
IMPORTANT: see our in the root of this repo before you contribute to the project.
This document was written in markdown. All other documentation/text files in this repo should use markdown. For a comprehensive guide to markdown see the Markdown Cheatsheet by adam-p
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