This tool was created to read a specific log generated by a Private In-House Software. The output is a Human readable version of the events occurrence and timeline. There are several different selections procedures, that will result in different outputs.
This tool is to be utilized by EStsoft Employees. The company has an internal tool that outputs a log file, basically columns for a type of entry and rows for each observation. This log is ordered in a chronological order. Employees will open this log with a software such as Excel and read the entries one by one to get the picture of the succession of events that took place. This sometimes is a time consuming task since some logs will extend over 100k+ observations.
Saving wasted time in log analysis. This tool has several pre-defined filters that will output the information the user is looking for without the need to manually filter it.
To run any of the pre-defined routines mentioned bellow, first the log created by the internal tool has to be copied into the file /input/log.input
Running the dungeonAnalysis.bat will output all the dungeons completed by the user during the period of time presented in the logs.
Running the IPanalysis.bat will output all the IPs logged in by the user during the period. Will also determine the geographical location of where the user has logged in from. This is done by using an API from here. The respective Json file is then downloaded and information needed is fetched.
Running ItemResto.bat will output a .item file that can be used on the internal company tool. This will load all the entries from file itemList.input and output a ready to use file in /output/itemList.item
Running itemsMovement.bat will output ItemMovementAnalysis.output which is a summary analysis of all items moving in and out of the account, accordongly to the log.
Running restobyIP.bat will output the file itemList.input. This is to be used in case of compromised account where a restoration is due. First the compromising IP address had to be obtained from running the IP Analysis. The bad IP has to be copied on the file badIPaddress.input .