
imitates group messaging through telegram bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

telegram bot

imitates group messaging through bot.


user receives link https://telegram.me/<bot_username>?start=<base64_encoded_parameter>.
where <bot_username> is your bot username and <base64_encoded_parameter> is optional payload allowed to pass into telegrams bot chat, limited to 64 chars.
after clicking the link, user is prompted to open telegram.
telegram opens chat with your bot, after clicking on start, the app registers in cache object chatId and received user object, after that when any user sends text message (only text, media messages need additional code), the app will resend that message to all the participants, not including the sender.



  • in config folder, create file default.json
  • paste content from default.example.json into default.json and change to your keys


  • git clone https://github.com/alexanderman/telegram-bot.git
  • npm install
  • npm start