
Final product of the module "Software Design" at the HFU in the Winter of 2021/2022

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Softwaredesign WiSe 2021/22

Link to the repository: https://github.com/alexanderreiprich/ConnectFour

Link to the diagrams: https://github.com/alexanderreiprich/ConnectFour/tree/main/diagrams


  • Node.js
  • Node Package Manager (npm)
  • Any Console Program (cmd, terminal, ...)

How to use

  1. Download all files in this repository
  2. Extract files to a location of your choosing
  3. Open a console program and navigate to the chosen location
  4. Type in "npm install" and press enter to install the node_package folder
  5. After the installation, run the program using "npm run start"

Submitted by Alexander Reiprich, 263006, MIB4