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First, you have to declare your ssh_keys, users and usergroups hashes:

class { 'accounts':
  ssh_keys   => hiera_hash('accounts::ssh_keys', {}),
  users      => hiera_hash('accounts::users', {}),
  usergroups => hiera_hash('accounts::usergroups', {}),

Example hiera YAML file:

    type: ssh-rsa
    public: FOO-S-RSA-PUBLIC-KEY
    type: ssh-rsa
    public: BAR-S-RSA-PUBLIC-KEY

    uid: 1000
    comment: Foo
    uid: 1001
    comment: Bar
    # Remove user baz from every node (unless overridden)
    ensure: absent
    uid: 1003
    comment: Qux

    - foo
    - bar
    - baz
    - qux

Then you can create accounts on your node with the accounts::account defined type.

accounts::account { 'foo': }

Creates a foo user if it exists in $::accounts::users and at allow its public key if it exists in $::accounts::ssh_keys.

accounts::account { 'bar':
  authorized_keys => ['@foo', 'baz'],

Creates a bar user if it exists in $::accounts::users and at allow its public key, everyone's in thefoo usergroup's public key and baz's one if it exists in $::accounts::ssh_keys.

accounts::account { '@foo': }

Create a user for every user in foo usergroup and allow its public key.

Module Parameters


Hash of groups to create (passed to create_resources). Defaults to {}.


Default value for the users' membership parameter. Refer to the Puppet documentation for more information.


Hash of SSH public keys that can be assigned to users (see Usage above).


Hash of users (see Usage above).


Hash of user groups (see Usage above).


Hash of accounts to create (see Usage above).


Sets the lowest uid for non system users. This is a system setting and also affects users created outside of this module.


Sets the lowest gid for non system groups. This is a system setting and also affects groups or users created outside of this module.


Default value for users' purge_ssh_keys parameter. When true all SSH keys in a users authorized_keys file not managed by Puppet will be deleted. Defaults to false.


Default value for users' shell parameter. Default is the system default (usually /bin/sh).