
A beat pad app for playing drums!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Programmable Drum Machine

Beat Pal is a small application meant to aid musicians looking to make drum beats from their laptop keyboard!

It was constructed for the Fullstack Academy's "Stack-a-thon" where we were tasked to create a project start-to-finish, in about 4 days.

Currently only a MVP, it features custom key bindings, a dynamic metronome, and click-to-audition functionality and is deployed here

Though it may have been simpler to use basic HTML elements here, Beat Pal uses Tone JS, a very powerful and robust audio synthesis library to build out this application, as I would like to be able to add more complex and interesting features better handled by Tone JS's arsenal of tools.



If you'd like to clone this down and play with the code yourself, it's fairly straight forward. I've even included a few default configs and assets in the client and public folder, respectively.

  1. fork the repo
  2. npm install
  3. npm run start for production, or npm run start-dev for dev mode.
  4. Jam out!

Future Plans

One thing I strove for when coming up with this idea, was to find something that was modular, and could be added to easily. I think there are countless possibilities in what could be added to Beat Pal (and suggestions are welcome!)

Here is a list of features I have in mind for the near future:

  • Recording functionality: Being able to record download your beats
  • Play-along Game: a stream of keys go on screen, and you must play along (similar to guitar hero)
  • Upload your own sounds
  • Swap between configurations
  • Create custom configs

The Journey and What I Learned

Making Beat Pal was incredibly rewarding. There is something I love about being given a blank slate, and being told to just 'go!' I jumped at the chance to explore my technical learning into another long interest of mine, music. Tone JS is something I've known about for awhile and I'm happy to have gotten my hands dirty in it.

Dirty is a great word to describe the exprience I think, because especially as a hackathon project, I sure did hack this thing together in places.

One of the largest issues I faced was simply just getting the corresponding pad to light up once that key was pressed, and allowing for multiple pads to light up independently. This feature seemed directly at war with another piece of functionality I was hell-bent on having, and that is that when keying up it should not play the other sounds that are currently still being help down. In order to accomplish both of these things in tandem, I kept track of the latest key pressed, and also seeing if the array of 'keys pressed' had just gotten bigger or smaller(Important context here is that the function to play the sound exists in the "Pad" React component's componentDidUpdate method), and would play the song accordingly.

I learned so much from this project, and I really think ultimately, this was an exercise in state, UI/UX, and frontend logic. I've always felt more comfortable on the backend, so exploring this space was incredibly enlightening. I'm excited to see how Beat Pal can grow from here, and as always, please try to break it!

Known Bugs

List of of known issues I plan to resolve:

  • Metronome sometimes will ring indefinitely, needing a page refresh to resolve
  • Incrementing the bpm of the metronome while playing is inconsistent
  • All done buttons in edit screen close all others. I plan to either make each pad customizable independently, or will just add one central done button to fix this
  • Sometimes, the first sound played is significantly delayed