Jobylon Job List


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This is a simple React app that fetches job listings from Jobylon's API and allows the user to swipe through them in a Tinder like UI. Each job is displayed as a card that shows its title, company, location, experience required, and employment type.

Getting started

To get started with this project, you'll need to have Node.js installed. I used pnpm to manage the dependencies, but you can use npm or yarn if you prefer.

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run pnpm install to install the dependencies.
  3. Run pnpm start to start the development server.
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 in your web browser to see the app.

Running tests

To run the tests, run pnpm test. This will run the tests in watch mode. To run the tests once, run pnpm test -- --watchAll=false.

Project structure

The main source files for this project are located in the src/ directory. The following is an overview of the most important files and directories:

  • src/components: Components in this directory are meant to be generic and reusable. They are used in the src/pages directory. No side effects should be performed in these components.

  • src/pages: Containers for the pages that make up the app. Components are used to build the structure of a page. The containers may contain business logic and interact with the outer world (e.g. by fetching data from an API).

  • src/types: This directory contains TypeScript types that are used throughout the app. It's fine to have small types in the same file as the component that uses them, but if a type is common across the app, it should be moved to this directory.

  • src/App.tsx: Main entry point for the app. This file contains the root wrapper and the router.

Technologies used

This app uses the following technologies:

  • React
  • Tailwind CSS for styling
  • tw-classed for css-in-js that has great Tailwind support
  • framer-motion for the card animations


Here are some improvements that could be made to this app:

  • Add filtering UI to the job list page.

  • Show current and total items on job list page (job 1 of 200).

  • Allow user to "undo" a card swipe, making it appear again.

  • Clicking on a job card should open a modal with more details.

  • Make the loading state nicer, with a spinner or something.

  • Implement the swipe callbacks on the SwipeableStack component.

  • Expose a useSwipeableStack hook that allows for programmatic swiping and other actions.

  • Get the jobs API endpoint from an environment variable.

  • Make the 404 page look nicer.