
An awesome list of self-sovereign identity resources.

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Awesome Self-Sovereign Identity Awesome

A curated list of self-sovereign identity resources.

Self-sovereign identity (SSI) is a term used to describe the digital movement that recognizes an individual should own and control their identity without the intervening administrative authorities. SSI allows people to interact in the digital world with the same freedom and capacity for trust as they do in the offline world (by The Sovrin Foundation).


🌟 Getting Started

Completely new to self-sovereign identity with no clue where to start? Here is one article, one video and one book to get you started.

Next step is to check out some other beginners guides and video's in the Philosophy & Concepts section below.

🤔 Philosophy & Concepts

To understand the philosophy of self-sovereign identity these starting guides and explanations have been collected.

🏛️ Political, Legal and Ethical Implications

💁‍♂️ Products & Services

What projects are out there using self-sovereign identity.

Identity wallets for storing verifiable credentials.

Software development kits for building an identity wallet.

Notable self-sovereign identity products and services that are in production.

  • esatus SeLF - An institutional agent by esatus.
  • Evernym Products and Services - Various self-sovereign identity projects by Evernym, such as a mobile wallet, a mobile wallet SDK and an end-to-end SSI platform.
  • Lissi Cloud Agent - An institutional agent by Lissi hosted in the cloud.
  • Tykn Products and Services - Various self-sovereign identity projects by Tykn, such as a mobile wallet, a web wallet and an end-to-end SSI platform.
  • Trinsic Studio - An end-to-end self sovereign identity platform by Trinsic.
  • Veramo - APIs for self-sovereign identity.

🛠 Tools & Technologies

  • Aries Cloud Agent Python - An easy to use Aries agent for building SSI services using any language that supports sending/receiving HTTP requests.
  • Aries Framework .NET - Provides a universal library for building Aries SSI applications for the cloud, mobile and IoT stack.
  • Aries Framework Go - A flexible toolkit to enable the usage of DIDs, DIDComm and verifiable credential exchange.
  • Aries Framework JavaScript - A framework for building SSI agents and DIDComm services for desktop, mobile and in the cloud, built using TypeScript.
  • Aries Mobile Agent React Native - An open source Aries mobile agent build with React Native and Aries Framework JavaScript.
  • Aries Mobile Agent Xamarin - An open source Aries mobile agent build with Xamarin and Aries Framework .NET.
  • Aries Toolbox - Tools for developing agents and testing that they are compatible with other agents in the ecosystem.
  • Indy SDK - Everything needed to build applications that interact with an Indy distributed identity ledger.
  • IOTA Identity - Implementation of the decentralized identity standards such as DIDs and VCs by W3C for the IOTA Tangle.
  • Universal DID Resolver - Universal DID resolver implementation and method specific drivers.
  • Universal DID Registrar - Universal DID registrar implementation and method specific drivers.
  • JavaScript: DID Client (did-io) - A DID resolution library for JavaScript.
  • JavaScript: DID - A simple library to interact with DIDs that conform to the DID-provider interface.
  • JavaScript: vc-js - A JavaScript library for issuing and verifying Verifiable Credentials.
  • JavaScript: vc.js - Support Verifiable Credentials in JavaScript.
  • JavaScript: DID Resolver - A simple common interface for JavaScript applications to resolve DID documents from Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs).
    • ethr DID Resolver - Use Ethereum addresses as fully self managed Decentralized Identifiers and wrap them in a DID Document.
    • web DID Resolver - Use domains accessed through https as Decentralized Identifiers and retrieve an associated DID Document.
  • Rust: did-key.rs - Provide basic support for did:key methods.

📡 Networks

  • Sovrin Network - A decentralized identity network based on Hyperledger Indy.
  • Cheqd Network - An identity network that enables payment rails between issuer, holder & verifier.

📚 Resources

Resources that are not about specific concepts such as meetups, newsletters, etc.

📄 Technical Specifications

📆 Events

Notable events concerning self-sovereign identity.

  • SSIMeetup - An open, collaborative community to help SSI evangelists around the world, independent of company interests or standards.
  • Internet Identity Workshop - An event that is held twice every year that discusses user-centric identity related topics and technologies.

💪 Contribute

Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.

🖋️ License


To the extent possible under law, Animo Solutions has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.